Plan proposes priority projects for Poona


A new boat ramp, foreshore upgrades, walking trails and green waste transfer stations are among the priority projects identified in the Draft Poona Community Infrastructure Plan.

The Fraser Coast Regional Council today endorsed the release of the draft plan.

“The plan has been developed with feedback from residents through the Poona Community Progress Association to identify a list of priorities for the coastal community,” Councillor Daniel Sanderson said.

“It outlines a number of projects ranging from developing a network of walking trails, a communal green waste collection area to create mulch for the community to a community bus driven by volunteers.

“While the plan contains some estimated costings for the projects, no funds have been allocated at this time.

“Funds would be allocated in future budgets once the plan has been adopted and more detailed project planning undertaken.”

Residents and ratepayers of Poona will be given the opportunity to provide final feedback on the draft plan with the results to be collated and a final report to be presented to Council later in the year.
The Plan has been developed following a comprehensive community engagement process, which included meetings with Poona Community Progress Association and a number of workshops including a Community Visioning workshop, attended by about 120 people, held in October, 2019.

Following the workshop, residents were invited to participate in a survey to identify their priorities from a large list of ideas gathered at the workshop and provided by the Poona Progress Association.

“The Poona community has invested a lot of the vision, time and effort to map out a plan for their future,” Cr Sanderson said.

“Finalising this plan is an important project for Council. It is the first to be developed using our new approach to local place-based planning; and it sets out a map to develop similar plans for our other smaller communities.”

More information and a copy of the draft plan is available at