Maryborough CBD Revitalisation - Stage 3

The Maryborough CBD Revitalisation Project was modelled on feedback and suggestions made by CBD businesses and property owners during a consultation held in 2013 for the Imagine This City Project.

Since then, revitalisation works have been undertaken in;

  • Adelaide Street from Ellena to Sussex streets;
  • Kent Street from Adelaide Street towards March Street;
  • Lennox Street from Sussex to Ellena streets;
  • Ellena Street from Adelaide to Bazaar streets; and
  • Bazaar Street from Kent to Sussex streets.

(completed revitalisation works are highlighted in blue on the locality plan below)

Works undertaken as part of the completed revitalisation works included the following improvements:-

  • New street furniture - bins, seats, artwork and bollards
  • Upgrading of existing traffic signals 
  • Replacement of existing footpaths with exposed aggregate concrete;
  • Replacement of all kerb and channel to barrier kerb; 
  • Full and part width asphalt overlay;
  • Areas of raised cobblestoned shared zones; 
  • Pedestrian bollards and overhead lighting; and
  • Upgrading underground services.

Stage three information (PDF, 81kB)

  • Click on image for large view.

  • Council will be inviting tenders in the very near future from contractors to undertake the works which will follow on from water main replacement works that Wide Bay Water will be completing in Bazaar Street from Sussex to Alice streets and in Sussex Street from Adelaide to Bazaar streets.  

    A public information session was held on Thursday 19 April, 2018, which included details relating to both Council and Wide Bay Water works.

    At this point in time, it is proposed that works will commence on the CBD Revitalisation project in late July/early August 2018 with the majority of works being completed as night works. 

    As has been the case with previous stages of this project, traffic flow during daytime works will allow for a one-way flow with carpark closures only in front of worksite areas.

    A full road closure with detour will apply during night-time works. Access provisions for restaurants and businesses operating after hours will be made. Weather permitting, it is anticipated that the works will be completed by November 2018/January, 2019.

    Once works start, weekly updates will be provided to all businesses/owners within the project area. 


    Design completed April, 2017 April 2017 Completed
    Tenders called for construction April 2017 April 2017 Completed
    Tenders for construction close 11 May 2017   Completed
    Construction contract awarded June 2017 May 2017 Completed
    Construction starts June 2017   In progress
    Construction completed November 2017    
  • The areas highlighted with the broken red line on the locality plan will be completed in future stages. 

    These areas will be included in Council’s 10 Year Capital Works Programme for consideration as part of Council’s annual budget process.  

    Council will also continue to source external funding for the Maryborough CBD as funding opportunities become available.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns you would like to raise to Council please contact 1300 79 49 29 or email

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