New Council training program provides pathway to jobs



The time for local job seekers to submit Expressions of Interest for a Fraser Coast Regional Council training program that could lead to casual employment has been extended until Wednesday 14 April.

This is the second round in Council’s project to establish a temporary workforce pool, Fraser Coast Mayor George Seymour said.

“The first round was successfully implemented this year when 13 people participated in the Administration and Customer Service skills development,” he said.

“All 13 participants successfully completed the training and joined the Council’s casual pool.

“Council is now calling for expressions of interest from people who would like to be part of Round 2 of the program.

“We are looking for people who have some experience in administration and customer service, are highly motivated, readily available and have a willingness to learn.

“Council will provide training to develop or upgrade their skills to increase their employability with Council.

“We particularly encourage people with disabilities, young people/school leavers, mature age job seekers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, migrants, veterans, and people re-entering the workforce after a lengthy absence, to apply.”

CEO Ken Diehm said the Council was one of the biggest employers in the region and the program was an opportunity for local job seekers to get a foot in the door and receive skills development training at the same time.

“The program is not designed to train people from scratch. Applicants must have experience in administration or customer service and basic computer skills and personal attributes suitable to the roles,” he said.

Mr Diehm said the training program would be provided at no cost to selected participants who would receive a certificate upon successful completion of the training.

More details are available on the Job Vacancies section of Council’s website - -with applications due by Wednesday 14 April and group workshops starting in May.

Cassandra Harwood (above)

When her daughter started school, it was an opportunity for Cassandra Harwood to re-join the workforce.

“I’d been on maternity leave since my son was born nine years ago,” she said.

“Now I have time on my hands, and I wanted to get back into the workforce.”

Ms Harwood gained a position in Council’s project to establish a temporary workforce pool.

“What attracted me to apply to be a part of the TEMPO pool was the wide range of jobs that would be available and the flexible hours. I could be a casual or a temporary.”

To ease her way back into the workforce and set up a home-work routine Cassandra is working from 9am to 3pm, three days a week.

“The training environment was very relaxed, and I felt no judgement at all. Having a laugh with my fellow trainees and trainer made it fun and enjoyable,” she said.

“Through the training program and now since I have gained a position, I have felt very supported by the Council and appreciate all the help and advice given to me to succeed.”

Council is now calling for expressions of interest from people who would like to be part of Round 2 of the program.