Flood Update – 7.00pm 25/2/22


Flood Update – 7pm 25/2/22

***Please note this information is accurate at the time of publishing and is subject to change in the future.***

Major flooding is now expected in Maryborough in coming days with the timing dependent on how much rain continues to fall.

While minor flooding will be experienced in Maryborough from tonight and moderate flooding tomorrow, the major flood level of 9m could now be exceeded on Sunday morning and a peak on Monday morning could be even higher than the levels of the flood earlier this year.

Fraser Coast Mayor George Seymour said residents who will be flooded or think they will be cut off by flood waters should start making preparations now and consider self-evacuating to family or friends in higher places over the weekend.

“If your home or business could be cut off or impacted by floodwaters, please start getting prepared now,” he said.

“Have your emergency kit ready, move personal and household property out of potential flood waters and make plans to keep your pets safe.

“This is an evolving situation and the next few days are going to be difficult. I urge everyone to stay safe, get prepared and be careful out on the roads. Remember if it is flooded, forget it.”

In other developments:

  • The Granville bridge will be closed at 3am on Saturday morning. Residents are urged to ensure they have all the personal supplies they need, including medication, as the bridge is expected to be closed for several days.
  • Council has installed the interim flood gate solution that forms part of Maryborough’s CBD flood protection system this afternoon.
  • Work to install the flood levee in the Maryborough CBD will begin at 8am tomorrow (Saturday) and there will be progressive road closures as it is put in place. Residents are urged to please keep clear of the CBD tomorrow.
  • An evacuation centre will be established at the Maryborough Senior Citizens Hall in Alice Street near Station Square and it will open from 8am Saturday morning.
  • Sand and sandbags is available now from community self-filling station in the Maryborough Bunnings car park from Saturday morning at the Granville Hall.
  • A medical centre will be set up at the Granville Hockey Club, and Queensland Ambulance and Fire and Rescue Service staff will be on standby. Please note this centre will be for emergencies only, not for issuing of regular medications.

Visit https://qldtraffic.qld.gov.au/ and https://roadconditions.racq.com.au/ for road information.

Visit Council’s Disaster Dashboard – https://disaster.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/ - for your one stop shop of emergency information, including weather warnings, power outages, flood cameras, river heights, flood maps and more.

Listen to weather warnings provided on ABC radio and provided through the Bureau of Meteorology website.

For flood assistance, please contact the State Emergency Service on 132 500. For all life-threatening emergencies please call 000.

If the current weather event is causing any distress or anxiety, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 to speak to someone.