New playground for River Heads



New equipment will replace aged equipment in the Bingham Park playground beside the River Heads Hall with the existing playground to be removed from its current location and a new one installed to the east.

“Youngsters get such joy going to the park,” Fraser Coast Mayor George Seymour said.

“Kids have their favourite parks so the introduction of new equipment will create new activities and new memories for parents and children.”

The $72,000 project will involve removing the existing playground from its current location and installing a new one to the east. It is expected to start before the end of March and take five weeks to complete, weather permitting.

“The project is part of our regular asset replacement program which has also allowed us to do some remodelling to improve the function of the open space around the hall,” Cr Seymour said.

“By moving the fenced playground, we will create an open area in front of the hall entrance that can be used for ceremonies and events such as Anzac Day and Remembrance Day.

“The park equipment was showing its age and requiring more frequent maintenance; trees had lifted the playground fencing and the slab for the basketball hoop had been damaged by vehicles accessing the hall or setting up for functions in the grounds.

“There will also be easier access to the new playground location from the existing shelter.

“The changes are a win-win for the local community. Children will have a new playground while there also be a better open space for local ceremonies and events.”

The project also includes the installation of a new all-abilities accessible drinking fountain adjacent to the existing shelter and playground.