Media response on Hervey Bay drinking water


Drinking water

Attribute to Wide Bay Water Director Mark Vanner:

“Residents may have noticed changes in the taste of drinking water in Hervey Bay and surrounding areas.

“This is due to elevated levels of naturally occurring organic compounds in the water that can make it have an earthy taste or odour.

“This is not uncommon, and events such as floods can change the characteristics of raw water that enters the treatment plant.

“In response to these changes, the treatment process operating procedures are adjusted to ensure the plant continues to produce safe drinking water.

“In addition, as the raw water in our dams and weirs stabilises, we anticipate the cause of the unusual taste and odour to break up and disappear

“During recent testing, elevated treatment process by-products were identified to be outside of the target health parameter, and further adjustments have been made to bring the water quality back within routine operating ranges. 

“Follow up testing over the weekend has indicated that these changes were effective and Council continues to actively monitor and manage drinking water quality.

“The drinking water is being produced in line with Council’s Drinking Water Management Plan, which includes regular contact with the relevant regulatory agencies.

“There is no requirement for water to be boiled, although residents may find that keeping drinking water chilled in the fridge and/or running the tap for a minute reduces any unusual taste and odours.

“We will update the community further as the situation evolves and as we receive further advice.”