Council launches refurbishment Policy to stimulate business


Maryborough Aerial

Fraser Coast businesses have been given more help to refurbish their properties.

“Under the Refurbishment Concession Policy, Council will provide rates concessions to property owners who have to close their business to undertake extensive refurbishments to heritage buildings, character buildings and other significant buildings,” Cr David Lee said.

“The policy, which was endorsed by Council today (Wednesday 15 June) will cover the wastewater charge, water access charge, waste management charge and general rates the services not in use for the period of the business is closed.

“Council decided that as commercial businesses are not eligible to apply for Council’s Financial Hardship Policy, we needed a policy to encourage owners wishing to improve significant buildings in key areas to undertake the works.

“The refurbishments will in turn ensure our commercial precincts are clean, tidy, vibrant and welcoming, which also creates confidence in the business sector and stimulates further investment and economic development.”

Applications can be lodged with Council at any time and will be assessed by the Refurbishment Concession Assessment Panel which can recommend concessions ranging up to 100% each for:

  • wastewater charge
  • water charge
  • waste management utility charge
  • general rates

“Council is committed to encouraging owners to maintain and improve their premises so that buildings continue to attract businesses and investment and attract visitors and new residents to the region,” Cr Lee said.