Reseals give Fraser Coast roads a new lease of life
Roads right across the Fraser Coast will be made safer and smoother as part of a $1.95 million Council bitumen resealing program that will roll out over the next six months.
“The program covers 39 streets throughout the Fraser Coast, including in and around Hervey Bay and Maryborough, as well as in Gundiah and Tiaro,” Cr Denis Chapman said.
“The first step is pre-seal works, which will start this week and run through to September.
“Council’s workforce will do the pre-seal works, which include the repair of failures and blemishes in the road surface, the replacement of the kerb and channel and bicycle grates, herbicide spraying and tree trimming.
“After the pre-seal works are completed, an external contractor will be appointed to do the bitumen reseals.”
A bitumen reseal involves spraying a thin layer of bitumen over an existing road surface to protect the underlying road pavement from weather damage. A stone aggregate is spread on top of the bitumen.
The process can extend the life of an existing road by eight to 14 years, depending on traffic loading.
“This type of resealing ensures we get the best efficiency and value for money from road infrastructure,” Cr Chapman said.
“The work is part of Council’s regular maintenance program to ensure our roads last as long as possible as we deliver quality services and infrastructure for the people of the Fraser Coast.
“We apologise that there will be some inconvenience to motorists while the work is underway, but the end result will be safer and smoother roads.”
The list of 39 locations can be viewed on the roadworks page of the Fraser Coast Regional Council website at under ‘Bituminous reseals’.