New playground at Toogoom RSL


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A new playground at the Toogoom District RSL sub-branch will help bring the community together.

The playground was built with the help of an $18,000 Community Grant from the Fraser Coast Regional Council.

“Our aim is to encourage greater community interaction and appeal to more members of the veteran community,” sub-branch secretary Eric Cleak said.

“The Toogoom sub-branch was formed by Vietnam veterans who are gradually getting older.

“We wanted to encourage younger veterans, especially those with children, to come along and be a part of the RSL community and, in turn, be involved in the Toogoom community.

“While we have 60 or so members who are veterans, the sub-branch has 120 social members and attracts between 60 and 80 to our Friday night functions, unless it’s raining or freezing.”

The playground equipment is tailored for children aged between 3 and 9 years.

“I am proud to have been able to support this initiative through the Community Grants program,” Cr Jade Wellings said.

“Toogoom is a community that is changing, and with more young people and families moving to the area, it is important that there are places for families to get involved in the community, socialise and meet others while their children have a safe and welcoming environment in which to play.

“The Toogoom RSL is a welcoming organisation that is there for the whole community – you don’t have to be a veteran or a member to go along and enjoy a burger and a drink on a Friday night.

“However, the more of the community that supports the organisation, the more work they are able to do to support our veterans.

“The playground is one way to encourage more visitation and supports both community and veteran wellbeing.”

The Toogoom District RSL Sub-branch is open from 3pm to 7.30pm on Fridays as well as Anzac Day, Vietnam Veterans’ Day and Remembrance Day.

The playground was officially opened on Vietnam Veterans’ Day (Thursday, August 18).