Lights to stay on longer at Esplanade skate park


Skate Park

The lights at the skate park and parkour course on the Hervey Bay Esplanade will stay on for longer on weekends and during some school holidays.

At its meeting today (Wednesday, February 22), Fraser Coast Regional Council decided to keep the lights on until to 9pm, seven days a week during the June/July and September/October Queensland school holidays and every Friday and Saturday.

“The new lighting times strike a balance between encouraging people to use the facility and protecting nesting turtles and hatchlings,” Cr Jade Wellings said.

“The facility attracts a lot of people and helps bring people to the region.

“The Seafront Oval area, which also includes WetSide, the Adventure Playground and the All-Abilities Playground, has become a premier facility for youths.

“The changes balance increasing the time people can use the facility with our efforts to protect nesting turtles and turtle hatchlings.

“We have ensured that the period in which the lights will be on longer is outside of the turtle nesting season from October to April to lessen the impact on nesting turtles and turtle hatchings.

“Despite the noise and activity in that area, turtles do nest on the beach at Pialba. One recent nest was located directly adjacent the skate park on the dune next to the pathway.

“To further lessen impacts on turtles, Council staff have also started to plant the dunes in front of the skate park to establish a buffer zone to cut light and noise reaching the beach.”