Have your say – stalls or events on piers and jetties


Pier and Jetties

The Fraser Coast Regional Council wants feedback on the idea for market stalls or other types of businesses and community events on the Urangan Pier or the jetties at Scarness and Torquay.

“Council occasionally receives requests from people interested in setting up businesses or holding community events on the Urangan Pier or jetties at Torquay and Scarness,” Cr David Lee said.

“I’d like to know what residents think of the idea.

“Ideas floated include businesses setting up stalls, or possibly using mobile carts to sell items or restaurants or wedding organisers using the piers and jetties for functions.

“The same would apply for sporting and community groups being able to close of the pier to hold an event such as a fishing competition or maybe a market or fundraising event.

“Calling for feedback does not mean that Council will accept any offers, it only means we want to know what people think about the idea and what types of businesses or events they think could be operated on the pier or jetties.

“The Urangan Pier especially, is a Fraser Coast icon. It is a drawcard for tourists and a fantastic facility which locals love and cherish.”

To have your say go to the Council Engagement Hub https://frasercoast.engagementhub.com.au/hb-pier-jetty-use

Feedback closes at 11.55pm on May 1.