Protect yourself from mozzies after hot and wet weather
Fraser Coast residents are being urged to clean up around their homes and take precautions to avoid mosquito bites following hot weather and regular rainfall over recent months.
Council Public Health spokesperson Cr Michelle Byrne said the warm, wet conditions had created the perfect environment for mosquito numbers to boom.
“Mosquitoes can spread serious diseases, such as Ross River virus, which is transmitted through bites,” she said.
“Council staff are monitoring and treating known breeding sites to reduce mosquito numbers and to kill larvae before they take flight.
“Council staff also check light traps weekly to monitor mosquito species in residential areas and treat when needed.”
Cr Byrne said residents could take simple but effective steps to minimise the risk of mosquito bites.
“Applying insect repellent, wearing loose clothing to cover arms and legs, and wearing closed-in shoes can significantly increase protection against mosquito bites,” she said.
Residents can help by:
- Emptying water-holding containers weekly (eg vases, old tyres, bird baths, plant trays);
- Wiping the inside of containers to remove mosquito eggs;
- Keeping roof gutters clear to prevent pooling water; and
- Wearing insect repellent, loose clothing, and closed-in shoes when outdoors.
“If it can hold water, it can breed mosquitoes, and as the weather warms up, this process happens even faster. Mosquitoes can fly many kilometres, but if they’re breeding in pots on your patio, they don’t have to go far to find someone to bite,” Cr Byrne said.
For more information about mosquito-borne diseases and prevention, visit